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Sunday, March 11, 2007


wah..its already sunday....tomorrow already monday...got lots of things to catch up...
assignments, lab reports thesis...aduh

feel not to think bout it..but have no choice...
feeling so tired...rushing here n there..
classes-home-sirim-home-class...thats my daily rutine...a
duh penat tau espacially when my 'babies' kat sirim tu xmoh nk idup...geram

but skrg alhamdullilah i can proceed to d next step...even sedey takut x sempat...
xpe sempatnye insyallah

actually i (n my other classmate) got less than 2 months before our thesis presentation...
mmm n the writing report x wat ape lg...proposal yg last sem ntah ke mane ntah x d pulangkan lg eeee geram.

with all the pressure,problem and stress tp me mcm relax je...
hahaha hari tu ade org tajye "ada x tension ke, cam relax je"
mmg la tension tp xnk tension sgt....it doesnt help pn kan...sikit2 sudah..huahua

tp sometimes people work better bl ade skit pressure....tu mmg btul gak...

ape2 pn...hope d coming week i can handle everything fine...