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Saturday, June 30, 2007


Waah.....feel so excited about the d movie....cm budak2 plak.....really, im not the type of girl that like that kind of movie..since that my bro belanje tgk transformers, ikut je la...

after about 2 hours, i really fall in luv with this movie..it really awesome..
mmg best la...how the robots transform.. those Optimuss Prime, Bumblebee, Ironhide,Megatron, Starscream etc...its a serious movie..but, they can make u laugh..really those guys mmg lawak..hahahahhaha..mmg 1 cinema gelak la..but they r also some touching part..cm sedey2 skit la...

after d movie..on d way back, all of us cm discuss psl movie tu sume..n nana my 4 years old niece pn bercerita sama..1 line from her that we cant forget is that "aah kan abah, best la cite kite tgk td..cite ape ek kite tgk td"..hahahhahaha blh plak die xingat cite ape..hahaha da ngantuk sgt kot..

what ever it is..this movie is really great..

sape yg nk g tgk tu..masuk la panggung awl2..dont miss d 1st part..every part counts ;)....

n sape2 nk g tgk tu plz count me in plzzzz :P...hahahaha cm nk tgk lg je....hehehehehehe

nasib baik td movie hbs lmbt klu x,silap2 hbs movie g beratur bl tiket lg...hehehhehe

enjoy d movie~~

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

kenapa la hari ni jadi pilihan..

di atas kesedaran diri bhw diri ini adalah seorg penganggur...aktiviti pencarian kerja giat di jalan kan...

online application mmg ade..even lg senang through email je...yg x best nye bl nk apply keje kerajaan / half kerajaan..da la kne print borang, hntr dgn sijil2 nye...printer dala rosak..kne la g cc print, photostat sijil n g fac nk kne pengesahan plak..wlpun dekat tp amat la mls hahahaha datu dgn nk posnye lagi..duit2 dala xkeje ...sedey2 :(

xcukup dgn tu kne bg gak transkrip skali kan...xdpt lg la bnde tu..so td kuat kan semangat g fac nk tanye pasal transkrip sementara tu...dala panas tghr sampai2 office kol 240 ade kertas kat kaunter "pejabat ditutup pada jam 230 ptg kerana semua staff ade perjumpaan bersama VC" aduh...sungguh menguji kesabaran tu...dlm byk2 hari hari gak yg jadi pujaan hati mereka...
well,its not my day...sedey btul...esok, cuba lagi..


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

my day

what a very boring and dull day i have lately...

routine job -- doing the house work (as d house wife) hehehe since that im jobless rite now...
-- online (searching for suitable job n apply)
so boring...
nak mandi pn cm mls (buruk btul perangai)..xde la bgn lmbt pn...bgn pagi wat keje2 uma...tp mls nk mandi..xbusuk pn wangi je...xelok bazir air..hahahhahaha
korg ingat senang ke SYABAS tu nk bersih kan air dr sungai yg cm teh susu tu jd air bersih yg korg buka paip tu..hahahaha

oleh itu jgn la mbazir air hehehehehe

ish bl la nk dpt keje ni....
dok uma agak busan tp best..xkesah sgt pn dok uma...
yg d kesah kan ialah xde duit huhuhuhu sedey btul la
apekah nasib ku ini..nasib seeorg penganggur....

marilah kite bersama2 mendownload lagu byk2 hahahahhaha


Tuesday, June 12, 2007

hari ini

wah..sungguh la bosan duduk d rumah
actually best tp risau pasal keje...xdpt2 lg...mls la nk apply2 ni..
hr2 ni mengadap pc cr keje..hntr resume..
dala ssh nk cr keje..
sume pn nk pengalaman..da tu yg fresh grad ni nk campak mn?
xth la
sakit kepale nk pk mcm2
byk btul dugaan nye
mcm2 masalah plak yg melanda..;(