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Saturday, June 30, 2007


Waah.....feel so excited about the d movie....cm budak2 plak.....really, im not the type of girl that like that kind of movie..since that my bro belanje tgk transformers, ikut je la...

after about 2 hours, i really fall in luv with this movie..it really awesome..
mmg best la...how the robots transform.. those Optimuss Prime, Bumblebee, Ironhide,Megatron, Starscream etc...its a serious movie..but, they can make u laugh..really those guys mmg lawak..hahahahhaha..mmg 1 cinema gelak la..but they r also some touching part..cm sedey2 skit la...

after d movie..on d way back, all of us cm discuss psl movie tu sume..n nana my 4 years old niece pn bercerita sama..1 line from her that we cant forget is that "aah kan abah, best la cite kite tgk td..cite ape ek kite tgk td"..hahahhahaha blh plak die xingat cite ape..hahaha da ngantuk sgt kot..

what ever it is..this movie is really great..

sape yg nk g tgk tu..masuk la panggung awl2..dont miss d 1st part..every part counts ;)....

n sape2 nk g tgk tu plz count me in plzzzz :P...hahahaha cm nk tgk lg je....hehehehehehe

nasib baik td movie hbs lmbt klu x,silap2 hbs movie g beratur bl tiket lg...hehehhehe

enjoy d movie~~

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