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Saturday, July 28, 2007


today suppose to be a very nice n happy n perfect day for the last 5 and a half month or to be specific, 5 months and 16 day...

there is something happen today and i make up something else happen and it should be a nice, happy and full of loves day...

i've tried my best so that it could be a prefect day..

unfortunately,it turns to something that i wish it could never happen...i should not ask for that person favor, i should go by myself and i should had my day alone...

in the journey back, im keep on thinking,
why all this thing happen?
why i fell so lonely when it shouldnt be?
why i walk alone when there actually someone with me?
why i keep silence when someone just beside me?
why im still holding?
why i have this feeling?
and i cant find the answers,
its in someone's hand, heart n mind..not me.

the lips is smiling but the eyes is crying, the heart is breaking...

perfect is just a word, it never exist...

Monday, July 23, 2007


Human is the most complex creatures on earth... and we do also have a complex life..dont we?

1 + 1 = not always be 2..

After an A not always be B..

In the road that we walk, there always be a junction...

Things that we want not always be the things that we need...

Thursday, July 19, 2007

:: The Heart Of A Woman ::

They smile when they want to scream.
They sing when they want to cry.
They cry when they are happy
and laugh when they are nervous.

They fight for what they believe in.
They stand up against injustice.
They don't take "no" for an answer
when they believe there is a better

They go without new shoes
so their children can have them.
They go to the doctor
with a frightened friend.

They love unconditionally.
They cry when their children excel
and cheer when their friends get awards.
They are happy when they hear
about a birth or a new marriage.

Their hearts break when a friend dies.
They have sorrow at the loss of a
family member,
yet they are strong when they think
there is no strength left.

They know that a hug
and a kiss
can heal a broken heart.

Women come in all sizes,
in all colors and shapes.
They'll drive, fly, walk, run or e-mail
to show how much they care about you.

The heart of a woman is what makes the
world spin!
Women do more than just give birth.
They bring joy and hope.
They give compassion and ideals.
They give moral support to their family
and friends.

Women have a lot to say..
and a lot to give.

Chocolates ~

Chocolates are the favourite food item of many people and it is very likely you'll come across individuals where these two contradictory conditions are at loggerheads with each other. But people today are very health conscious and eating sugar is avoided or kept to a minimum either due to health conditions like diabetes or, in some cases, from the simple desire to maintain a healthy lifestyle. That is to say a person likes chocolates but cannot eat them due to the large amounts of sugar that go into the making of mainstream chocolates.

As they say, "where there's a will, there's a way," therefore it is not surprising that an alternative exists for such people, namely the sugarless chocolate. Although the name is self explanatory that does not mean that such chocolates are not sweet (this would defeat the primary goal of your palette and your love for munching them).

There are several artificial sweetening agents commercially available which can be used to simulate the affect of sweetness on the tongue, but do not have the harmful affects associated with table sugar. Although there is a certain level of uncertain regarding the safety of such products like saccharin. Despite the doubts, there are several types of sugar alternatives in the market, and these alternatives are being used by manufacturers of food products, including chocolate.

Lucky for most of us wishing to be slim and fit, many of the major producers of chocolate have their sugarless chocolate apart from their mainstream sugared counterparts. The consumer is now given the ability to use their own discretion when deciding which type of chocolate to consume.

Chocolate has a long and illustrious history and people will continue to be drawn to everything chocolate! For diabetics or people with weight problems, chocolate are no longer out of their reach. With care and proper research fine foods once forbidden to many can go back on their diets. From holidays to just a relaxing part of anyone's day, sugarless products are making it possible for everyone to be happy!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

lately been quite busy..
actually its not really busy physically but it is more to mentally..huh? hehehe

sumthing happen to my family..
lots of things to think of..

including my own problems..

sometimes i feel that im stuck in a middle of sumthing or sumwhere...
sumtimes i just cant share anything with anyone...
if i really do want to share it, that sumone will not be around...

then d excitement of that story will fade away....
gone with d wind..

need that feel again..

felling of being together..

feeling d needs of each other..


love is like d wind...
u dont see it but can feel it..

but lately i dont really feel d freshness of d wind..

love is like a ghost.....
u can see it but u know its there..

im afraid of d ghost..
yes it is so complicated....
im not
that simple

kita di takdirkan bertemu n bercinta

..n im still holding on..

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

still at home..n still unemployed ..
my routine activity.. applying for job.. attend a few interviews..
well actually i got a job unfortunately i can accept that offer..why? its because the salary.. well im not demanding but after calculating for my transportation cost, meal, epf n socso i gain almost nothing..not even enough to give to my parents.. so i need to withdraw...
sabar je la..hope i got another job soon.insyaallah..ade rezeki..

Friday, July 6, 2007

:)...is this true?

Most people walk in and out of our life. . . . .
But only friends leave footprints in our heart......