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Saturday, August 4, 2007

turln left turn right

mari kita main pusing2..hehehe
did u ever watch the HK movie with the title left right turn right?
its kind of love story..
sedih pn ade gak..
diorg ni sll je miss antara 1 sama lain..
diorg mencari 1 same lain tp xdpt jumpe...
they actually at the same place but always miss the opportunity to meet..
kesian kan..jln sebelah2,sorg atas sorg kat bwh..
cm ssh btul la hubungan diorg ni..
cam xde jodoh la...
last2 diorg dpt la contact melalui a phone call,
yg best nye dan2 tu plak ade earthquake...
da xleh dgr plak..diding uma diorg runtuh...
last2 sbnrnye diorg tinggal sebelah2 je...
kesian hidup diorg yg cam ssh sgt kan..
padahal jiran je..
so..the moral of the story is..KENALILAH JIRAN TETANGGA ANDA....hahahahaha :P

for more inform regarding the movie : http://www.lovehkfilm.com/reviews/turn_left_turn_right.htm

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